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Cosmetic surgery tax refund in Korea

Cosmetic surgery tax refund

Many foreign patients are visiting Korea for plastic surgery.
Patients must understand about Tax refund, prior to getting surgery.

Introduction of cosmetic surgery tax refund.

1. What is the Cosmetic surgery tax refund?

International patients who got cosmetic surgery in Korea can receive a V.A.T (7~8%) refund on their payment.
And Clinic or hospital (which have a Registered Medical Institution Certificate from Ministry of Health and Welfare) must give tax refund certificate to the patient.
Registered Medical Institution Certificate verifies that clinic has Surgeon’s specialist certificate, clinic business registration, Medical institution establishment permit and Insurance certificate for the foreign patient.  
(so, This certificate is one of checkpoint if they reliable clinic or not)

2. Who can get the refund?

Patients who have no address or place of residence in the Korea.
Patients who have undergone cosmetic surgery at a Special medical institution among medical institution approved and registered with the Minister of Health and Welfare in accordance.
(a brochure of Registered Medical Institution’s notice at Dr. Jin Hong-Ryul’s clinic.)

3. Refund period

Patients who depart within three months from the date of cosmetic surgery.

4. Refund items

Double Eye-lid, Rhinoplasty, Breast surgery (reduction/augmentation), Liposuction, Facelift, Facial bone contouring, Teeth whitening, Laminate, Gingivoplasty, Orthognathic surgery.

5. Refund procedure.

1) Receive the refund certificate after payment.
2) Submit the refund certificate at refunding place (at an airport, port or certificated place)
3) V.A.T refund.

If you have more question, contact to +82-1577-7129.
Thank you for reading.


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