Rhinoplasty and fat grafting together Many patient will consider fat grafting when they do rhinoplasty for beauty. Is it a good idea to do rhinoplasty and facial fat grafting together? Actually, if you just want to reshape or correct your nose, it is ok to do the only rhinoplasty. But if you consider your facial shape and nose both, then I recommend doing fat grafting. Because your nose shape will be better after rhinoplasty, however, your face is still same as before. Especially when you have a wave or curve on your face. If the surgeon is good at fat grafting, then your result would be better. Photo by Dr. Cho Bae-Jung who is specialist on rhinplasty & fat grafting. About Fat grafting. Fat grafting is also called facial rejuvenation, fat transfer, autologous fat grafting or full face fat grafting. It can be implanted to the forehead, the lips, the nasolabial folds, the under eye areas, the cheeks and other parts of your face. Fat grafting is ...